04 December 2008

blonde moment

My family and select friends make fun of me for my lack of intelligence at times. Unfortunately, I don't always think through certain things, and end up looking rather silly. Mostly, it is something that I say that I should have kept to myself, but every once in a while...

The other night I decided to move my sewing machine (inside a table) out of the back seat of my car. Did I mention I was going to attempt this by myself? Well, I did try. My plan of action was to test the weight and see if I could handle it alone. Then, if that didn't seem possible, I would call and ask for assistance.
Problem #1: said sewing machine was not only heavy, it was an awkward size and shape
Problem #2: once the sewing machine is so far out of the car, I realized I had passed the point of no return -- which leads to...
Problem #3: now I had no choice because I could not get the sewing machine back into the car, nor could I get it all the way out of the car
Problem #4: did I mention the top of the table opens?
So here I am, standing out in the parking lot propping the door of the car open with my arm, holding the top of the table shut with my leg and trying not to let go. People are driving past, staring at the crazy lady trying to move furniture in the snow and ice, but no one offered to help me. I did manage to pull my phone out of my pocket to call my brother and ask "just how heavy would you say that sewing machine is?" "You aren't trying to move it by yourself, are you?" he asked. "Well...I have a back-up plan." "You're an idiot." (which of course, I knew by this point in the game) I told him I would keep him posted, and returned to the problem at hand. Not wanting to spend the night in this position because 1) it was cold, and 2) it was uncomfortable -- okay that's an understatement, I called my neighbors and requested an extra pair of hands. My friend sent her husband over and he helped me extricate the sewing machine from the back seat, flip it upright and lug it up the stairs to my apartment. Sweet success!

So what if it is in the middle of my living room? I can drag it around some other time. Not my brightest idea...lol :)


Blogger none said...

so....nice blog.

December 04, 2008 9:48 AM  
Blogger none said...

oh, and good story.

do you have an RSS feed active?

December 04, 2008 9:50 AM  

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