06 June 2011

My God is Sovereign

I know I am long overdue for an update. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity, emotions and decisions regarding the future. For anyone who knows me well, I have been praying about possibly moving to CO for about four years now. However, there was always something holding me back and it was if God was saying "not yet, my child, I still have work for you here." So I stayed where I was and learned to be content in my circumstances. Recently though I have felt more than ever that God was leading me westward. And three weeks ago He used different circumstances to show me that the time is now.

I love my family and hate being so far away from them. I took a mini vacation to go home for my brother's graduation reception and had a wonderful weekend of fellowship with my immediate family. While there I also had the privilege of spending time with my best friend and seeing various members of my extended family as well. Up until this point I had managed to remain fairly content and keep sight of the fact that God's timing was not my own, but He had a perfect plan for my life. While at home though, everyone kept asking about my timetable for moving and I started to wonder if it might be soon.

After a busy weekend I headed back to IA and on the way I had six hours to think, pray and seek advice regarding relocating. During these hours I had my 'freak-out' sessions: "What if this is the biggest mistake of my life?" (in a later phone conversation with my brother it was determined that marrying the wrong person would in fact be the biggest mistake of my life...and from that I took some comfort) or "Do I have any idea what I might be getting myself into?" (the answer is "no" but thankfully I know someone who is taking care of all the details) Also, my excitement began to grow. I was able to have conversations with both of my parents and seek their wisdom on the subject. I am my mother's daughter so it was no surprise that she agreed with me and supported my decision. My dad is very practical and to hear him say "I think you should go for it." probably clinched the deal for me. Of course I spent most of the time in prayer, because ultimately I wanted to follow God's direction for my life.

All of this happened on a Monday. I didn't want to rush into anything so I took Tuesday to pray about it and consulted my parents again. By Wednesday I knew I needed to take a leap of faith and I made my decision final. I gave my notice at work and announced my decision to the core group at Bible study that evening. Of course the support was overwhelming. I am blessed to have such amazing friends and family!

I was rebuked by my lack of faith though. For months now my target date to be moved was by May and I doubted God's ability to make that happen. I serve a great and powerful God who can make anything happen if that is His will. And so with only a week and a half to process all this, pack and say my goodbyes I made the transition to finally move to CO.

That pretty much brings me to the present. I have been here in CO for a week and already I have had one interview and have another one scheduled for tomorrow. I've been able to meet some wonderful people, find my way around, enjoy some rest and relaxation and just rejoice in the fact that God has me here for a reason. I may not know exactly what that is, but I am confident that my Sovereign Father will show me in due time.


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