Life lessons
At the request of one honorary member of the Kliewer clan, I am making an effort to be more consistent in blogging. Yes Tiff, this is for you. ;) Thanks for the motivation.
Recently I have been forced to embark on yet another adventure. The adventure that is shopping for a "new-to-me" car...
It all started one blustery evening when I headed to the Lakeside Center to cast my vote in the general elections. Well, that's not exactly when it started, but that's when I knew I needed to step up the pace in finding a replacement. Flossy (my newly deceased grandma car) just didn't have that "get up and go" in her anymore. It was time to for her to retire. I've known this for awhile, and tried several times (unsuccessfully) to have her stolen. You know, subtle things like leaving the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked, or storing my title and registration in the glovebox in case someone decides they want to take over ownership...unfortunately, she has a few anti-theft features. One of them being the fact that the drivers side door will not open from the outside. I think that has discouraged more than one potential thief in the past.
At any rate, after casting my vote like a responsible citizen, I returned to my car to head home. I opened the passenger side door, and slid across the seat as usual, but when I turned the key in the ignition, no welcome sounds of the engine starting greet my ear. Instead, Flo had a massive seizure -- shaking, sputtering and protesting life in general...and then she died. I've decided Flossy is of a different political party. (wry grin) I exchanged some words with her, and expressed my indignation, effectively ending what was once a good working relationship.
Now, I have no reason to complain these circumstances. It could have been so much worse. Earlier in the evening I despaired that my car wouldn't start and I was surprised when she did. This saved me frantically calling everyone in my contact list and pleading for a ride from DSM. She didn't die on the side of the interstate in the dead of winter, or in a sketchy part of town. So, even in the midst of such distress I was able to be thankful for God's wisdom and provision. I'm not saying I had a fabulous attitude about everything at the moment, but I learned to choose to see the bright side of things eventually. I was within walking distance of my apartment and had friends close by who were willing to swing by and take me back so I wouldn't have to walk in the cold and dark. They even brought me ice cream! These are the friends to keep close in times of trouble. ;)
In the past several months I have been researching pre-owned vehicles, comparing pricing, looking at safety ratings, reliability, learning what I need to look for, what questions to ask and occasionally going to take a test drive. I've been to three different dealers, learned some things the hard way and am thoroughly sick of the whole process. Yes, it has been a growing experience for me, and I have come so far from the naive little girl who knew next to nothing about shopping for a car. However, that does not mean I enjoy it. No offense to anyone who knows a used car salesperson personally, but they seem to be rather oily as a general rule. And I don't mean that in the sense that they just came from performing and oil change. Such slick persuasive fellows who think that not telling me they already sold the car I'm interested in is a good idea, or that I won't find a better deal anywhere case you were wondering, I've proved both wrong. (2 points for Liz!)
Throughout this whole ordeal, God keeps impressing the need to trust implicitly that He will provide exactly what I need in His perfect timing. I'm not saying that has been easy for me to accept, or that I haven't done my share of complaining, but I'm so very grateful that He has everything under control even when it seems as if everything is spiraling in the other direction.
Another important lesson I've been learning is how to graciously accept the kindness offered by others. I'm an independent girl. Everyone who knows me well knows this fact. I hate being dependent on others, or putting people out of their way just to help poor little old me. I dislike being an inconvenience and will often just try to figure things out on my own. God knew I needed a heaping dose of humility though. So, for the last week and a half, I have been able to practice that on a personal level.
I think the hardest part of this ordeal is being so far away from home and the resources of my dad and brothers. It would be so nice to take one of them along on these escapades! And I'm homesick. I had pretty much given up hope of being able to go home for Thanksgiving. Every year I talk myself into being okay with not going home until Christmas and that it will be fine. But I miss my family so. I hoped I would have a vehicle by the end of October, but that was not to be. So, being faithless, I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that I cannot go home until December. God had other plans though. One night I was talking about how God was working in my life and how He was teaching me. I expressed that I was discouraged and frustrated, but also confident that God would give me exactly what I needed when I needed it. Seeing that I was struggling, a sister in Christ asked if there was something else on my mind. I shared that I was disappointed about not being able to go home and how much I longed to see my family. She graciously offered to let me drive her car home to KS if I don't have a method of transportation by Thanksgiving. I almost cried! Not only did she offer her vehicle, but she told me if she had an extra car, she would just give it to me. Such generousity, and I doubted my Father's ability to provide...that being said, I have an announcement to make.
I'M COMING HOME FOR THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Recently I have been forced to embark on yet another adventure. The adventure that is shopping for a "new-to-me" car...
It all started one blustery evening when I headed to the Lakeside Center to cast my vote in the general elections. Well, that's not exactly when it started, but that's when I knew I needed to step up the pace in finding a replacement. Flossy (my newly deceased grandma car) just didn't have that "get up and go" in her anymore. It was time to for her to retire. I've known this for awhile, and tried several times (unsuccessfully) to have her stolen. You know, subtle things like leaving the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked, or storing my title and registration in the glovebox in case someone decides they want to take over ownership...unfortunately, she has a few anti-theft features. One of them being the fact that the drivers side door will not open from the outside. I think that has discouraged more than one potential thief in the past.
At any rate, after casting my vote like a responsible citizen, I returned to my car to head home. I opened the passenger side door, and slid across the seat as usual, but when I turned the key in the ignition, no welcome sounds of the engine starting greet my ear. Instead, Flo had a massive seizure -- shaking, sputtering and protesting life in general...and then she died. I've decided Flossy is of a different political party. (wry grin) I exchanged some words with her, and expressed my indignation, effectively ending what was once a good working relationship.
Now, I have no reason to complain these circumstances. It could have been so much worse. Earlier in the evening I despaired that my car wouldn't start and I was surprised when she did. This saved me frantically calling everyone in my contact list and pleading for a ride from DSM. She didn't die on the side of the interstate in the dead of winter, or in a sketchy part of town. So, even in the midst of such distress I was able to be thankful for God's wisdom and provision. I'm not saying I had a fabulous attitude about everything at the moment, but I learned to choose to see the bright side of things eventually. I was within walking distance of my apartment and had friends close by who were willing to swing by and take me back so I wouldn't have to walk in the cold and dark. They even brought me ice cream! These are the friends to keep close in times of trouble. ;)
In the past several months I have been researching pre-owned vehicles, comparing pricing, looking at safety ratings, reliability, learning what I need to look for, what questions to ask and occasionally going to take a test drive. I've been to three different dealers, learned some things the hard way and am thoroughly sick of the whole process. Yes, it has been a growing experience for me, and I have come so far from the naive little girl who knew next to nothing about shopping for a car. However, that does not mean I enjoy it. No offense to anyone who knows a used car salesperson personally, but they seem to be rather oily as a general rule. And I don't mean that in the sense that they just came from performing and oil change. Such slick persuasive fellows who think that not telling me they already sold the car I'm interested in is a good idea, or that I won't find a better deal anywhere case you were wondering, I've proved both wrong. (2 points for Liz!)
Throughout this whole ordeal, God keeps impressing the need to trust implicitly that He will provide exactly what I need in His perfect timing. I'm not saying that has been easy for me to accept, or that I haven't done my share of complaining, but I'm so very grateful that He has everything under control even when it seems as if everything is spiraling in the other direction.
Another important lesson I've been learning is how to graciously accept the kindness offered by others. I'm an independent girl. Everyone who knows me well knows this fact. I hate being dependent on others, or putting people out of their way just to help poor little old me. I dislike being an inconvenience and will often just try to figure things out on my own. God knew I needed a heaping dose of humility though. So, for the last week and a half, I have been able to practice that on a personal level.
I think the hardest part of this ordeal is being so far away from home and the resources of my dad and brothers. It would be so nice to take one of them along on these escapades! And I'm homesick. I had pretty much given up hope of being able to go home for Thanksgiving. Every year I talk myself into being okay with not going home until Christmas and that it will be fine. But I miss my family so. I hoped I would have a vehicle by the end of October, but that was not to be. So, being faithless, I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that I cannot go home until December. God had other plans though. One night I was talking about how God was working in my life and how He was teaching me. I expressed that I was discouraged and frustrated, but also confident that God would give me exactly what I needed when I needed it. Seeing that I was struggling, a sister in Christ asked if there was something else on my mind. I shared that I was disappointed about not being able to go home and how much I longed to see my family. She graciously offered to let me drive her car home to KS if I don't have a method of transportation by Thanksgiving. I almost cried! Not only did she offer her vehicle, but she told me if she had an extra car, she would just give it to me. Such generousity, and I doubted my Father's ability to provide...that being said, I have an announcement to make.
I'M COMING HOME FOR THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Yay! A special post just for ME...boy do I feel important. ;-) I'm sorry about Flossy, but I'm proud of you for embarking on the car shopping adventure by yourself and being so patient with it all. Even more so, I'm excited you'll be home for Thanksgiving. I think a "Kliewer" family get together is a must!
good news! I found a car and will hopefully finalize everything in the next few's pretty fancy, so I think I might be spoiled, but I'm thanking God for His provision!
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