29 November 2014

A glimpse into my heart...


This has been on my heart and mind for a long while now...and God keeps growing the desire to be involved in this wonderful picture of salvation. I know those who have been adopted, those who have gone through the process (of adoption and adopting) and those that are on the journey right now. The common denominator with all of these individuals is an open heart ready to do whatever God asks of them. Yes, sacrifice is involved but I've never heard regret expressed for embarking on this adventure. Regret that adoption is necessary, yes. But never regret that they were chosen to be used in such a special way to minister to hurting souls. Regret over the pain caused to these precious children that can never be undone. Regret that they are unable to erase the past, regret for the baggage these kids have to deal with...the list could go on.

In an ideal world adoption would be unnecessary because everyone would have a family, each child would belong to someone. But the reality is that sin has marred this earth and we must live with the consequences of that on a daily basis. Pain, death and suffering will be present until Christ comes again -- that is the result of living in an imperfect world. But God has a plan for His people to help alleviate that suffering. We are here to impact the world for Christ by showing the love of Jesus in tangible ways.

For so long I believed that there was nothing I could do to somehow stem the tide and make a difference. I accepted the lie that for me, adoption would be selfish. After all, what do I have to offer? Why me?? But God doesn't give up on His own, and He has been working in my heart to change my perspective. He has shown me, that nothing is impossible. He has whispered to my heart that He wants to use me to accomplish His purpose. He has helped me to understand that, while I cannot change every situation, I can make an impact on at least one life that will last forever. And again and again, it has been impressed on me that one loving parent is better than none.

Can I tell you a secret? I am pursuing nursing school, but not primarily because I want to be a nurse. (Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the idea, but this was never my intention -- ask anyone who knows me well!) No, this is a means to an end. First and foremost, I believe God is calling me to attend nursing school, but there is more to it. Obtaining my nursing license will make it possible for me to adopt. I feel especially burdened for those children who have physical and mental limitations and with that kind of training I would be better equipped to care for that demographic. In fact, nurses and teachers are preferred for adoption of kids that have special needs because of the unique skill set they possess as well as compassionate hearts.

And I'll be honest, I need to increase my earning potential so that I will be able to support more than just myself. While I love my current job, my income is not sufficient in order to ensure the livelihood of another person, tiny or otherwise. Nursing school will also give me more marketable skills and open doors for future ministry. But that doesn't mean I cannot have a ministry right here and right now. God has placed people in my path that need to see and experience His love and given me the resources, abilities and time to invest in them.

James 1:27 gives an imperative to all believers to care for the widows and orphans, but never specifies how to go about fulfilling that command. We are expected to take action and do something. This does not mean that everyone must adopt, but everyone must DO something! I understand there are some who cannot take on that responsibility, who do not feel called to adopt...but there is always a way that God can use an individual to make a difference if they have a ready heart and willingness to obey.

My heart yearns to hold a child and whisper that he/she is loved beyond compare. Already I have an empty spot, crying to be filled with that special blessing God intends for me to adopt. I weep over the pain they must have experienced, long to wipe their tears away and cannot wait until I am able to hold that child in my arms. I have no idea who it might be, but already I love them so much...and my heart breaks with the waiting.

But I know my God will finish what He started. He is teaching me patience, guiding me along this journey and giving hope for the future. He has a glorious plan, one that I could never imagine, and He will fulfill his promises in His perfect time. So I'm trusting Him to do just that. And as soon as it is physically possible, I intend to pursue this journey of adoption. Pray for me, with me, and lift up those hurting souls who don't realize how much they are loved.

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: 
to look after orphans and widows in their distress 
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27

Thanks for listening,


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