16 January 2015

Five Minute Friday #Send

Well, here I am again a week later trying this whole writing consistently thing and attempting to be more intentional in my blogging. We shall see what happens... :)


If I'm perfectly honest, this word stirs up all sorts of emotions. Longing. Excitement. Fear. Impatience. Joy. just to name a few...

I've always loved to travel and begged God to send me anywhere. Unlike the "stereotypical" Christian who pleaded with God to send me anywhere but (fill in the blank) I yearned to just go. And several times it looked like a real possibility. But then reality kicked in. Plans fell through, finances never came together and time and time again my heart was disappointed.

First there was China. Not one, but two, three summers in a row I attempted to spend a few weeks teaching conversational English to university students there. However, God wanted me to stay. In America; in Iowa, in Kansas. I needed to work and save and get ready for the next semester of my studies. But oh, it was hard!

Then there was Turkey -- and this time it really looked feasible. A year long trip to pour out my life and my heart serving others on the other side of the world. But once again God said the timing was not yet right. So I stayed...and after many months, learned to be content where I was. 

So I put away those dreams to travel and serve and pour out myself for others while investing in precious lives. (And in the interim learned important lessons about patience, being present, and investing in lives wherever I might be) But God has rekindled those dreams and given me another location at long last. And finally the door is opening wider and wider as I walk towards it. 

Uganda. Pray with me, friends as I pursue the opportunity to take a survey trip in the next twelve to sixteen  months. I want to be faithful and to be a good steward of what God has given. So, I'm researching the possibility of visiting for a short while to determine whether I could stay for a longer period of time. 

You can read about more details in my other related posts: God works in mysterious ways, Daring to dream

"Here am I, send ME."

This post was written in response to Five-Minute Friday, a (one word) writing prompt where you write for 5 minutes without editing.

Thanks for stopping by!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you - I know how it feels to have a godly wanderlust frustrated. I can only say He holds the answers, the timing, the provision, the purpose... and it's all about just being with him in it all, not doing anything for him, in any case. May he continue to draw near to you as you draw near to him. He is not in a hurry.

January 17, 2015 6:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bless you - I know how it feels to have a godly wanderlust frustrated. I can only say He holds the answers, the timing, the provision, the purpose... and it's all about just being with him in it all, not doing anything for him, in any case. May he continue to draw near to you as you draw near to him. He is not in a hurry.

January 17, 2015 6:32 AM  
Anonymous Kate said...

Wow, what an exciting prospect! And I so admire your maturity in accepting the former closed doors as part of God's plan as well. That in itself is a powerful testimony .. waiting and having patience can be a very hard thing! Hopeful with you that Uganda will become a reality!

Have you heard of The Lulu Tree? It's a great organization set up to help mothers in Uganda. Here is their website, if you're interested:


May the Lord bless your plans going forward!

January 22, 2015 6:52 AM  

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