29 January 2015

Thoughts on The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (spoilers)

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
Tauriel: [to Thanduil] There is no love in your heart!

Tauriel: [weeps for Kili] If this is love, I don't want it. Take it away, please! Why does it hurt so much?
Thranduil: [sadly] Because it was real.

This quote nearly had me undone. I was determined not to be emotional during this movie. And I probably wouldn't have, if it weren't for Tauriel...who is a made-up character. Pretty sure she isn't in the book at all. But, surprisingly enough, I found myself identifying with her in many ways.

She was strong, fierce and independent, but longed to belong somewhere. She yearned for love, even though she didn't quite understand the concept and she thrived on adventure. She pushed the limits, looked for unconventional ways to accomplish her goals and boy was she sassy! Red hair, ability with a bow, love of the outdoors...perhaps not at the same level, but I possess some of the same things. She rejected the planned out life others had set before her and decided to find her own fate. Regardless of what others thought, she followed her heart and refused to forsake those for whom she cared. She wasn't afraid to fight for what she believed in and pursued unlikely dreams even though failure was a very real risk. She had a loving heart, was loved and loved in return. But although she lost her love in the end, she never left his side while he was dying. She sought to defend him, protect him and did everything in her power to spare his life. She was all in. And it hurt -- because it was real.

While I haven't been forsaken by my family and people, fought orcs or lost my man on the battlefield, I share some of the same characteristics that made Tauriel such a fascinating individual. I don't know how her story ends. But I like to imagine that she went on to other adventures, fought bravely and loved with great passion. I want to believe that she didn't give up because of the sorrow she experienced. That she continued to pour herself into lives around her and invested in a cause bigger than herself.

Another thing to note is that although it was real; it is now over. Nothing Tauriel can do would bring Kili back to life no matter how much she wished for it. Yes, it happened and no one can take that away -- but now he is gone and she must continue on with her life. Time marches on whether or not we give permission. What will I do with the time allotted to me?   


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