02 March 2015

Beauty from Brokenness

I'm still reeling from all that has occurred in the past few days. Much of it was unexpected, some of it I knew was coming, but all of the circumstances elicited a strong emotional response from me. I'm often told that my biggest strength is also my greatest weakness, and I tend to agree. I care too much sometimes. Now, before you draw conclusions on what that really means, let me explain. 

For as long as I can remember I have always had a compassionate heart and been sensitive to the needs and struggles of others around me. But so many times I will internalize that pain as if somehow I can make it go away or make it better. As a result, I stumble and fall beneath these burdens that I was never meant to carry alone. 

I hate seeing loved ones who are hurting, but trying to take that all on by myself helps no one. Time and time again, my loving Father reminds me to bring my sorrows to His throne and leave them there. No matter how hard I might try, I am incapable of changing someone's heart. Fortunately, that is not my calling; I'm never expected to accomplish a task not assigned to me in the first place.

None of the events that I encountered this week were a surprise to God though. He graciously filled me and prepared me to deal with some difficult stuff. Had I not been broken completely earlier this week, I would have fallen apart. Even now I am a bit fragile, but have peace and contentment regarding the situations He has placed me in for now.

Do I understand the purpose of these circumstances fully? Hardly. But I know God has a purpose for everything and I am clinging to that promise. He can redeem anyone, turn around the worst of situations and bring glory to His name while providing healing for hurting souls. He weaves His beautiful story of redemption through our broken lives, and prepares us for future ministry in doing so.


Blogger blestbutstrest said...

Oh, thank you! I needed this today. It's so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that I or something I do can change someone's heart.

March 02, 2015 2:52 PM  

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