08 March 2015

In His Presence -- There is Peace

Five minute Friday: Gather 
 Psalm 143:8-12
"Let me hear in the morning of Your steadfast love,
for in You I trust.
Make me know the way I should go,
for to You I lift up my soul.
 Deliver me from my enemies, O LORD!
I have fled to You for refuge.
Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God!
Let your good Spirit lead me
on level ground!
For Your name’s sake, O LORD
preserve my life!
In Your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble!
And in Your steadfast love 
You will cut off my enemies,
and You will destroy all the adversaries of my soul,
for I am Your servant."

He gathers me close and whispers He loves me. That gentle message crowds out the lies that I’m not enough; that I have to be perfect or whole or stronger. He can and wants to use me in my brokenness. He promises to bring healing.


Skip down a few verses – He promises to defeat the adversaries of my soul. To satisfy as only He can, to bring light and love and joy where there was once darkness, hate and sorrow. He gathers those insecurities and replaces them with peace and contentment.

I don’t know what is next or what order I’m supposed to do these things He has laid on my heart. But I don’t have to know the future to realize where my destiny lies. I just need to stay close beside Him, to gather my burdens and lay them at His feet.



Blogger Mom to 3 said...

Liz, thank you so much for these words of encouragement. I really needed this reminder this weekend. I am soaking in the beauty of the promises in God's word, and I know in my weakness I am strong through His strength. I am stopping by from Five Minute Friday, and I hope you have a lovely week!

March 08, 2015 8:12 PM  
Blogger Hall Family in MD said...

I just read 143 this morning for my devotions. What a great reminder =) Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great week!

March 09, 2015 10:06 AM  

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