20 June 2009

When life gives you lemons...

I don't know what everyone else does on their days off, but my latest adventure involved quarters, string cheese, a judge, spotting a former coworker, and feeling trememdously thankful for my parents.

Can I just say right now that I do not recommend driving about town with one headlight, especially not at night. While I'm giving advice, can I also point out the importance of having a recent insurance card in the vehicle you are operating? Good. Consider yourself warned. As you might have guessed, I did indeed get pulled over for having a headlight out and then it was discovered that, although I remember receiving a new insurance card in the mail, I failed to leave it in my car. Oops. The officer wasn't exactly warm and fuzzy either...so to make a long story short, I was given an important piece of paper with his autograph, even though I didn't ask for it. (wry grin) Since I work full-time, and my court date was on a Monday, I decided to take my Thursday off and set off to see how sympathetic the traffic judge would be. Supposedly if I showed proof of insurance I could get my ticket dismissed and just pay the court fees.

To preface this, I was completely broke. Yes, I am out of school and paying off my loans! Yay for being responsible and paying bills on time. :) The night before I prayed very specifically that God would make my costs $50 or less, since that was all I had to spare. Otherwise, I would have to ask for more time to fulfill my financial obligation.

I arrived at the courthouse early and checked in, hoping that soon after lunch I would be able to present my case and continue on my way. I felt a tad overdressed, but there is something about a courthouse that makes me want to look professional. Perhaps the judge would take me more seriously than if I showed up in my pajamas or sweatpants and a tube top. Prior experience warned me not to wear plaid or orange. (for curious readers, yes, I have seen all of these outfits in the courtroom)

After checking in, I walked downtown and enjoyed a small picnic of cheese, an apricot and a bottle of water. I know, look at me being healthy! ;) The weather was absolutely gorgeous and after partaking of my small feast I had opportunity to enjoy God's creation while spending time reading His love letter to me. I was reminded of my Father's sovereignty in everything and my finiteness in the face of His awesome majesty. The only thing I regretted was my choice of shoes...the walk back to the courthouse was somewhat painful, but beauty has a price.

Upon arriving back at the courthouse, I checked my meter to be sure I wouldn't acquire another ticket while inside, and headed back through security. This time I only had to send my giant purse through once. Since there was still quite a bit of time until traffic court opened, I settled back to people-watch. No, I am not a crazy stalker, but people fascinate me. Especially all of the twenty-somethings who came in with their parents, who paid the fines and escorted them back out again. Don't those parents realize they will be back again in a few months? In my opinion, that hardly teaches independence and I was thankful for my parents expecting me to take personal responsibility for my actions. I observed a former coworker come bouncing through, and was not surprised to see him there -- fortunately, he did not recognize me. Finally the time was drawing near and the doors to the courtroom opened.

This particular courtroom was much smaller than the one in MO (that's for you Johanna) and there was an absence of faded photographs showing generations of judges through the years. The judge was a woman, and she let us know immediately that she had no time for excuses. As I had checked in so early, I was fortunate enough to be the second name called. Of course, the baliff had trouble pronouncing my name, but I figured it must be me. :) I presented my card, had my ticket dismissed and was directed to pay my fine just down the hall for the amount of $50 exactly. God answers prayer!

Not wanting to stick around more than necessary, I paid my fine and was on my way. Going to court was definitely not on my top ten list, but God works in mysterious ways. I learned important truths about trust, gratitude, and contentment. Then I called my mom, because she is the best for never giving up on me!