My Latest Baking Experiment
"Caramel Pecan Treasures"
found on
adapted by Liz
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
(cream together)
stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
combine 1 3/4 cups flour with
1/2 teaspoon baking powder and
gradually add to mixture.
roll into 1 inch balls, flatten slightly
and bake for 12-15 minutes,
or until golden brown at 350 F
store bought caramels, halved and flattened
place one on each cookie
melt choco chips (semi-sweet) with butter (1 teaspoon)
and cover caramels, then sprinkle chopped pecans on top.
ENJOY!!!!! :)
(but be careful...more than two at a time can be hazardous to your health)