25 December 2009

I'm currently obsessed with this song.  Check it out!


20 December 2009

Being real

So I've been thinking about motives.  Why do I do the things I do, say the things I say?  Basically it boils down to one thing: selfishness in the form of pride.  I think I know what is best for me and how to achieve that goal.  Instead of living with an eternal perspective I am so focused on the here and now.  What will bring me pleasure -- never mind that its temporary and fleeting.  In the end I am still wanting something to fill the void.  But when I look to people or possessions to fulfill me, I always come back empty.  The only One who can completely satisfy is Christ.

"You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart."

Jeremiah 29:13

This verse doesn't describe a half-hearted attempt.  No, it is so much more.  All of my energy should be devoted to this task.  Nothing can be more important than knowing my Savior.  Nothing.  He should be my first priority.

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15 December 2009

The Case of Mistaken Identity

It all started nearly two years ago.  I changed companies for my cell phone service, and as a result received a new number.  Had I known what I know now I  may not have made the switch...or at least requested a different number. 

At first, I thought people just had the wrong number, but after getting up to three calls a day asking for a specific person, I realized there was a reason this number was dropped.  Soon I figured out that collection agencies were in search of a Bosnian man who must owe a tidy sum of money.  Time after time I would repeat that, no he is not available, no I do now know him, please take me off your calling list.  I would have blocked the number, but it was different every time.  After a while, I just stopped answering the phone anytime I didn't recognize the number.  Dozens after dozens of calls later, they finally died down, and eventually stopped completely.

Fast forward several months.  If you have ever been woken out of a deep sleep, you may understand how I felt.  (side note: I am in no way a self-proclaimed 'morning 'person' nor do I ever intend to be one.)  It is five in the morning and an unwelcome sound jars me awake...awake being relative to the situation.  I pick up my phone, mutter a groggy "hello?" and hear the most devastating news imaginable.  "This is ADT security and we are calling to inform you that your bakery has been robbed."   Of course my initial thought was "Oh No! My bakery has been robbed!"  Only to be replaced by a deep sense of loss when I came to the stark reality that I do not, nor have I ever owned a bakery.  I managed to convey, in a confused manner, that I was not the person they needed to inform, and hung up.  As I drifted back to sleep, I connected the dots and remembered hearing that name before, but thought it was just a freak accident and would never happen again.

A funny story, right?  That's what I thought.  In fact, I came up with a theory.  Once upon a time there lived a man who was fond of pastries.  So he decided to open a bakery.  One problem: he was more fond of eating pastries than making them and selling them, so very quickly the bills began to pile up.  As he got further and further behind on his payments, he started receiving calls from the collections agencies.  Not to be daunted, he came up with a solution -- ditch the phone and get another number.  Enter Liz (just out of college, in need of a new cell phone and blissfully unaware of the coming inconveniences)  Now, not only have the collection agencies gotten off his back, now they are bothering someone else.  But those bills still aren't paying themselves.  Time for a new plan of action.  And then inspiration strikes.  He has an insurance policy for his business.  Why not stage a robbery and collect?  What a brilliant idea!  The rest speaks for itself.

Two month later I received yet another phone call from ADT security.  Once again they were calling me to tell me my bakery had been robbed.  As before, I was less than coherent, but relayed the message that I never ever wanted to be disturbed by such news again.  For the second time I was assured that my number would be removed from the contact list, and I returned to the land of blissful slumbers.

In my naivete I assumed that the problem was taken care of, and I would never hear from ADT security again unless I entered a contract myself.  I was wrong...again.  This time the call came at 2 am on a Sunday morning.  I vaguely remember picking up my phone and blinking at it, trying to figure out what it was and why it was making noise.  I must have slid it open, because I heard a distant voice.  "Hello?  Hello?  Hello?"  And it dawned on me -- this is a phone, someone wants to talk to me!  So I answered.  "Hello?"  Even in my semi conscious state I recognized the three letters that I heard through the speaker.  ADT yet again.  I was quite firm in my insistence this time, but not profane.  After my little tirade, a meek voice reassured me that my number would most definitely be removed this time.  I thanked him, hung up and rolled over to get back to sleep.  As my head hit the pillow I felt a pang of regret for missing the opportunity to locate this so-called bakery.  Oh well, sleep is much more important, and I dismissed the thought almost immediately.  Just as I was drifting off, my phone rings...again.  "This is the police department, are you the owner of **** bakery?"  ( YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!)  "No, and I don't know who is, although I suspect **** ***** might be, but I have no idea how to get a hold of him."  The officer apologized profusely and stated that they were just going through the list of contact numbers they had in an attempt to find the rightful owner.  Has it ever occurred to them that he doesn't want to be found??  At this point, all I want is to go back to sleep.  This time, I'm smart enough to turn my phone on silent, and the rest of the night passes without event.

The next day my friend and I drive by this bakery out of sheer curiousity.  Is it really a bakery, or a front for another business?  Upon first glance it appeared to be a legitimate place of business, but there was no time to stop.  Since then, I have returned, verified that the bakery does exist, as does its elusive owner.  Unfortunately, he was not available for comment, but when that occasion does arise, I will be sure to post about  it in detail.

In conclusion I can only say that gaining an identity is not as glamorous as it seems although it is preferable to having one's identity stolen.  I can never say my life is boring, for it is quite the opposite. ;)

07 December 2009

Psalm 73

"Truly God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart.
But as for me, my feet had almost stumbled, my steps had nearly slipped
For I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked."
God is good.  I know this.  It is His very character -- sinless, perfect, the epitome of everything that is good and true.  And He says in His love letter to me that He wants to extend that goodness to those He loves.

"But when I thought how to understand this, it seemed to me a wearisome task
Until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I discerned their end."
(vv 16-17)

But I have my own agenda.  I think my plans are far more superior.  Instead of looking to my Creator, I create my own priorities.  I see what others have, and in my selfish pride, I want it.  I perceive that possessions and status will make me happy.  I decide that being set apart isn't worth the sacrifice.  The world lures me in.  A little tugging at my heart begins.  I'm reminded to change my perspective.  That means hard work, and I'm not sure I'm willing to accept that challenge.  Not just yet.

"Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
For behold, those who are far from you shall perish...
But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the LORD God my refuge, 
that I may tell of all your works."

But in spite of myself, I'm drawn in.  God never gives up on His children.  His word pierces my soul, and I'm convicted of sin, reminded of His mercy and overwhelmed by His grace. Now nothing is more important than seeking His face.  Nothing compares to the joy I possess when walking close to Him.  My life is transformed.  I'm no longer living for me.  I have a higher calling.  And any sacrifice is worth the glory that awaits.

05 December 2009

Just For Fun!

I consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to work with people on a daily basis. I have always loved kids, and God was so good as to give me a job where I am able to interact with them almost every day. This post will intentionally be a little more light-hearted as I intend to share some of the hilarious things I hear while chatting with various kiddos.

Here are some of my favorites (in no particular order) :
  • "You should get a girl dress...that you can dance in!" ~ from one of my little girls in sunday school regarding appropriate attire for the Christmas program
  • "I cant believe you would tell an eight year old to drink beer!" ~ in response to a doctor's recommendation to drink more (push fluids) to get over a viral illness
  • "Stickers? I am soo lucky to get stickers!! *slight pause* Why are you giving me stickers?" my reply: "Because you were such a good boy." his response: "Noooo, I'm a BAD boy! I was sooo crabby!! (followed by a belly laugh)" ~ one of the little guys I saw at work (keep in mind he had a huge grin on his face the entire time he was there -- certainly not crabby)
  • "Can I call you Mrs. kisses?" ~ a little boy at an after school program deciding that Miss Liz was just not going to cut it
  • "I knew it! I knew you weren't married because you aren't wearing fancy earrings. If I ever see you and you are wearing fancy earrings, I'll KNOW that you got married." ~ the astounding logic of a first grader
  • "My brother has a creepy cough too." ~ a little girl mispronouncing 'croupy' in attempt to explain why they were in the doctor's office
Hope this brings a smile to your face! :)